Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

An additional assessment to help you be your nutritional and physical best.

This test is for you, if you have any of these:

This test can help us to determine a well-rounded nutrition protocol for you.

The information in this test helps us

  • determine ideal ratios of fats, protein and carbohydrates in your meals,
  • mineral imbalances and which systems they may be impacting (thyroid, adrenals, etc)
  • mineral deficiencies or overload,
  • and high levels of toxic metals.

How do we do the test?

It’s pretty easy.

This is a non-invasive test using a hair sample. 

  1. First we send you a test kit and instructions. (a form, a couple envelopes and a video how to)
  2. Then you take your sample and mail it in.
  3. We receive and review your test results and incorporate it into your Nutritional Protocol.

If you feel like you have tried everything and the tests the doctor runs for your yearly physical don’t actually help, then this test is a perfect next step.

Some mineral levels and ratios crucial to your health and vitality:

This test also screens for toxic metals. Metals like mercury can be very harmful to our health and fertility.

What others are saying about the test...

“This test made a huge difference in my energy levels but only when I actually consistently stuck with my practitioner’s recommendation. (I’m pretty bad at following directions.) I had felt dragging and have had poor energy levels for many years. Having two kids and undiagnosed gluten sensitivity really did a number on my nutritional status and even though I was eating much better, I still didn’t feel really great. I also have struggled with thyroid issues but my doctor has that well managed through nutrition so I was looking for some other test that would show me why I felt so bad. Well, this was it. I was super low in the top four (Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium). My practitioner said if we worked on these I would start to feel better. I now have energy to do things I didn’t. I have a busy life with my two kids and I’m able to finally devote some time to my business.”

How to order the test

Schedule your free Discovery Call to see what will work best for you! –>> Click here: Discovery Call